Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teaser Poster #4 (of 8) JONAH LEE ATWOOD (Shane Stevens)

The forth of eight character posters to debut featuring the main characters from the flick.

 Teaser Poster #4 (of 8) JONAH LEE ATWOOD (Shane Stevens)

If ya head on up to Skull City Mine, be sure to visit the blacksmith, Jonah Lee Atwood. He gives a demonstration every hour on the hour. Then again, Jonah is a murderer, responsible for hundreds of deaths.

Shane Stevens delivers a nuanced performance as an unyielding killer who fulfills a solemn obligation, even while he hates himself for doing it. What would possess a man to do the unthinkable?

 The Graves stars Clare Grant (Masters of Horror), Jillian Murray (The Fun Park), Bill Moseley (The Devil's Rejects, Texas Chainsaw Massacre II), Amanda Wyss (A Nightmare on Elm St., Dexter), D. Randall Blythe (Screamer, Lamb of God), Shane Stevens, Patti Tindall (Death of a Ghost Hunter), Barbara Glover (Red Rock West), Calabrese and Tony Todd (24, Candyman).

 The Graves is written and directed by independent comic book legend Brian Pulido (Chaos! Comics, Lady Death, Evil Ernie) and produced by Mischief Maker Studios, Brian and Dean Ronalds of Ronalds Brothers Productions (Netherbeast, Inc.). Production Design by Francisca Pulido. Director of Photography Adam Goldfine.

Shane Stevens web:


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